Quartz Crystals: These crystals impart a naturally light feel and sweet taste to the water.
Magnetic Ceramic: A natural iron rich volcanic rock. This ceramic prompts the release of beneficial negative ions.
Torumarin: It induces electrolysis and generate negative ions. It also ionizes water molecules by decreasing their size.
Imparts unique properties that helps inactive micro-organisms.
Bakuhanseki: Helps balance water PH. It absorbs heavy metals and impurities in tap water.
Coral: Mined from a 20 million year old seabed layer which has been uplifted to ground level.
It elutes 25% of the mineral content in tap water, making it milder.
Calcor: mixture of calcium carbonate and magnesium oxide which acts as de-acidifiers and help balance the pH of the water.
It also adds a pleasant mineral taste to the water.
This product turns acidic drinkin water into alkalicalcium ion water. This natural calcium, magnesium,
sodium, potassium ions can be absorbed 100% in body. Produces Alkali Calcium ionized water.
Produces large quantity of Hydrogen and Oxygen. Prevents reprodcution of germs and virus
Purified Water, Reverse Osmosis, Alkaline Water, PH, Whole House Warer Filtration, Reverse Osmosis Service, Soft Water, Water Filters.