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Pacific Water Solutions

Welcome to Pacific Water Solutions, the place you can find filters, bottles, equipment, and accessories you need to bring pure, tasty life-giving water to your home and office. We offer advanced-science home and office filtration and purification systems. Our products are guaranteed, and we want to ensure that you are satisfied. Our mission is to promote and preserve public health and the environment through education, promotion and production of pure, fresh water and activities to preserve clean water and to promote waste reduction.

Drop by our retail store in beautiful San Clemente any time you're in the area; we'd be delighted to show you all of our products and pure water filtration technologies.

Why Purify your water with a reverse osmosis system?
-- First, it's a bargain. The expensive part of prepackaged bottled water is the packaging and delivery.

-- Second, your water is fresh. You always know where your water comes from and how long it has been stored in the bottles when you fill it yourself. With prepackaged bottled water, it's not uncommon to see bottles sit on the shelf for as long as six months.

-- Third, you help protect the environment. Filling your own bottles at home or in the office will get used over and over again instead of being thrown away after just one use. Incredible resources are expended with prepackaged bottled water-filtering, packaging, boxing and wrapping, shipping to distribution, shipping to the store, unboxing, and storage on the shelf. Then the bottle is taken home, emptied, and thrown away. Why waste all the resources when it can be so simple? Here's your opportunity to get into the recycling loop.


Whether it's our store with many products to choose from, our home and office filtration, installation and consulting services, online services and products or our convenient 24-hour filling station for purified drinking water, you can depend on Pacific Water Solutions for all of your home and office needs!

Finally, visit our Merchant Circle Site for gobs more information, gallery, blogs and more!